How to Write A Level History Coursework
If you haven’t a clue how to write an A-level history coursework, fear not! This article will give you an overview of the main features of the task, along with a step-by-step guide. Throughout this article, we’ll discuss how to pick the right primary sources and analyze and evaluate the work of two historians. This is vital to the success of your essay, so make sure you’re armed with the right information for your task.
Choosing primary sources
Primary sources are documents or articles that were written at the time of the event you are studying. The best way to get the best marks is to include a wide range of these documents in your coursework. Secondary sources, on the other hand, are books or articles written by historians who have specialised in the topic. Historians call these interpretations historiography. If you cannot find a primary source to support your argument, you can always make use of secondary sources to supplement your essay.
When choosing primary sources for A-level history coursework, you should make sure that they contribute to your argument and knowledge of the topic. It is best to choose sources that are both visual and informative. You should aim to select three primary sources, with at least two being primary and one being secondary. In addition to this, you should choose primary sources that demonstrate your source-analysis skills. Here are some tips for choosing the right sources for your A-level history coursework:
Primary sources often have multiple meanings. A map of the London cholera outbreak of 1854, for example, contains evidence about the epidemic’s spread, yet reflects an underlying concern about illness as a social issue. Another useful source is a legal testimony document from the Salem witch trials. Make sure to do the research and find out who wrote the document. It is important to use the best primary sources for a particular topic, so choose wisely!
Primary sources can be problematic to use, as they often lack context. They can also pose questions about creator bias and historical context. You should test your assumptions about the past by referring to other primary or secondary sources. Then, you should ask for more specific evidence to support your arguments. When choosing primary sources, you should ask yourself: what would you think if you saw the event that you studied?
When assessing your historical topic, you must choose primary sources that show the range of views, debates and interpretations. It is also essential to choose academic historians rather than the authors of textbooks and course books. Choosing primary sources that support your argument is an excellent way to demonstrate your skills as a historian. You also need to demonstrate a general awareness of the range of historical interpretations and debates within your chosen field.
Analysing and evaluating the work of two historians
The task of analysing and evaluating the work of two historian, which you have chosen to study for your A level history coursework, involves comparing two works and judging their merits. You must also make sure that you understand the context in which each work was written. Consider the viewpoints and evidence used by each historian and why they should be considered more persuasive.
For this task, students should analyse and evaluate the work of two historians and determine the significance of their perspectives. It is important to show that you have broad awareness of the different debates around the chosen topic. You should also be able to compare and contrast different interpretations of the same period of history. As long as you make sure you include some historical context, you will be able to achieve the A level history coursework you need.
A good coursebook will help you to understand the key aspects of history and develop a range of skills. For example, a student who wants to study history will develop organisational skills, learn to analyse different interpretations of the same period, and write in an intelligent and mature style. It will also develop the student’s writing skills and improve their ability to communicate effectively.
The length of primary sources is not prescribed, but it should be long enough to support your analysis. You may also want to use video or audio-visual sources. When selecting your sources, make sure they are significant enough to support your argument. For example, you should choose two works by two historians, from two different time periods and one from the same generation. You must make sure that they are different in terms of methodology, perspective, and focus.
Ultimately, A level history coursework is about developing skills and gaining a deeper understanding of the past. It teaches you to use evidence and formulate logical arguments and how to think critically under pressure. You should be confident in your ability to meet deadlines and cope with the pressure of an examination. You will be rewarded for your efforts. But be sure to keep in mind that the task may not be as straightforward as it first appears.
Choosing a historian with different views
Higher Level History coursework must demonstrate a critical awareness of the various viewpoints and integrate them into your answer. In particular, you must reference the different interpretations of two or more historians. However, you can choose to analyse more than two historians. It is best to choose two historians with opposing perspectives. This will ensure you have a varied and interesting essay. Listed below are some tips on how to write an A-level history coursework.
When choosing an academic historian, choose one with opposing views and analyse their work. You should also consider the range of primary sources and the debate between their views. It is also important to use different question formulations as seen in examinations, such as ‘To what extent does this historian support the position you’ve chosen?’ and ‘Assess the validity of the opposing view’.
In addition to assessing the arguments of an historian, you should also be able to identify whether the historian uses new evidence that challenges previous assumptions. Remember that you’re not reading a historian’s work line-by-line; you’re writing for yourself and your peers, so you need to read critically. It’s dangerous to dismiss scholarly writing, as many of its arguments and premises may be faulty. In fact, some parts of an argument may even be more persuasive than others.
It is also important to remember that human societies never stay static. They are constantly changing, and historians are interested in the causes and effects of these changes. While most of this change is gradual, some change can be rapid and cause great disruption in a society. Therefore, a good way to approach a level history coursework is to choose a historian with opposing viewpoints. This will enable you to gain a more holistic understanding of the past.
Finding historians with different views
If you’re working on a level history coursework, one of the most important things you can do is to find various viewpoints on a certain topic. Using the different viewpoints of historians is a good way to show the reader that you understand the various points of view. Here are some helpful tips to help you find different viewpoints. Here are some ways to find historians with different views and compare them.
Before choosing which historians to research for your coursework, make sure you know the different viewpoints of each one. Historians have different political and value systems and may come to very different conclusions. It can be difficult to separate their points of view because each historian has their own political and personal beliefs. The best way to identify a historian’s viewpoints is to use filters, which are questions that help you categorise and summarise a particular viewpoint.
If you’re working on a course about the French Revolution, you should find historians who hold different views. Left-wing historians tend to emphasize issues affecting the lower classes. Marxist historians, for example, tend to focus on the misuse of power and ownership of wealth. Right-wing historians focus on economic freedom and social stability. Conservative historians will focus on the failures of radicalism, and may even advocate more rationalism.
There are many ways to find historians with different views on a topic. The Internet is a great resource for this. Many historians are classified into different categories. Some specialize in a specific period of history or one aspect of it. Others focus on one aspect of history, such as World War II. In addition, some historians have different points of view on a particular topic, like the Holocaust.
When working on an A-level history coursework, finding historians with differing views can be a great help. If you’re reading scholarly texts, you may come across a particular view that challenges your own beliefs. You may be able to use new evidence or a logical explanation to refute it. This is an excellent way to show that you’re able to think for yourself and assess the persuasiveness of a piece of writing.